Menu Plan Monday ~ 9.9.2013

Monday, September 9, 2013
This is a crazy week of juggling activities and bad timing, so it's really going to be a challenge to get some good, home cookin' on the table this week. But I am certainly going to try.

MONDAY - Beef sliders and arugula salad

TUESDAY - Grilled chicken Caesar salads. I have a PTO meeting. So I'll feed the kids their salads before I go, and the Hubs and I will eat when I get home.

WEDNESDAY - It's middle school back to school night. We'll have take out from a local Italian deli.

THURSDAY - Beef chili in the slow cooker. I have an event for Meridian Momtourage in the early evening, so we'll eat when I get home.

FRIDAY - Baked chicken cutlets, sauteed spinach with garlic and bacon, roasted new potatoes.

SATURDAY - Dinner out

SUNDAY - Deluxe nachos (our good ol' standby).

What do you plan to munch on this week? For meal planning inspiration, visit I'm An Organizing Junkie's Meal Plan Monday.

For even more inspiration, take a look at all of my Meal Planning posts.

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