Tips For Hosting a Fundraiser

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Every fall, my family and friends gather to participate in the JDRF OneWalk to support type 1 diabetes. My youngest daughter Harper was diagnosed with type 1 in February 2014, and we've been walking as a team since October 2014. JDRF is a cause that we hold close and dear to our hearts. Sometimes, it can feel difficult to know how to support causes that you’re not directly involved in. But there’s always a way to help and often that can involve raising money or funds of some sort.

The charity, cause or other good movement that you donate to will be able to use donated cash to achieve their goals - no matter what they are. It could go towards research, raising awareness, or anything else that will help. While donating directly is great, you can actually raise more money by having a fundraiser. This, of course, will require a fair amount of work and effort. But all in all, it’s worth it when you see the difference the proceeds make! Here are a few suggestions that will help you to set up your own fundraiser and get started in the right direction!

Decide On a Charity or Cause
First, you need to settle on what kind of fundraiser you’re going to hold. What charity or cause do you want to support? Will it be something local? Perhaps a local school needs new resources. A local dogs home might need new kennels. Will it be something more global? A charity to raise awareness and tackle social injustices around the world. A climate change cause. The options are endless. But if you choose one that you are passionate about, you will in turn be more passionate about raising money to support the cause.

Decide on Your Fundraising Event
Next, you need to decide what kind of event you’re going to hold. There are so many different ideas out there. It doesn’t have to be something completely innovative. The classic fundraising ideas work well! You could host a fair with games, Jumping Castle Rental, BBQs, and competitions. You could hold a music event with bands and DJs playing. Often bands and DJs are willing to give you a discount since it's for a charity event. Be sure to inquire. You could even do a charity auction. The list goes on.

Secure a Location
Once you’ve decided what you want to do, you need to secure a venue or location where you can host the event. Consider how many people will be in attendance and ensure that your venue can accommodate them. Consider ease to get to the location - easy to reach places will have a higher attendance rate than remote and difficult to access locations. Make it affordable or ask the owner whether they’d let you use the venue for free because the event is for charity.

Collaborate with Brands and Companies
A lot of brands and companies will sponsor a charity event and match donations raised or offer a lump sum donation. Your workplace may do something similar! This can really help to boost proceeds and help the charity or good cause you’re supporting even more!

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