Loving and Losing a Pet

Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Today we were faced with the painful and agonizing decision to euthanize our beloved 19 year old cat. Although heart wrenching, our decision was a necessary and humane one.

The loss of a pet is devastating. And being faced with the decision to end your pet's life is even more so. Guilt can overcome you, and emotional attachment can blur rational thinking.

We weighed the quality of life our cat was experiencing in the end and combined it with the options from the vet, and decided that it was time for our precious Pep to cross The Rainbow Bridge.

I was lucky enough to enjoy almost 20 years with him. Not many pet owners can say that. We have so many wonderful memories that will comfort us in the days, weeks, months, and even years ahead. He will never be forgotten, and he'll be forever missed.

This post is dedicated to his memory to all those pets we've loved and lost.

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