Once the excitement of the holidays ends, and the thick of winter sets in, it's easy to get stuck in a funk. With little to no signs of spring, it's hard to imagine that warmer weather and happier days will ever be a reality again. When cold weather, short days, and gray skies are the norm, it's essential to have something big to look forward to.
There's a reason spring break exists. It falls at the time of year when there are no national holidays where you get a break from work or school. The winter weather has long run its course, and the spring weather hasn't quite touched down yet. Do you need a better excuse to get away?
For the past few years, as part of their Christmas present, my husband and I have been gifting our daughters a spring break trip. Two years ago, we went to Phoenix and
Tucson, Arizona. Last year's trip was parlayed into a trip to
Salt Lake City, Utah for my nephew's wedding. This year, we are heading to San Diego, California. A trip somewhere warm gives all of us something to look forward to when we are in the doldrums of winter.
A spring break trip takes some careful budgeting and planning to pull off. Here's how we do it and how you can too.