It's 2019! Let's do this! While 2018 wasn't a particularly great year, it wasn't the worst either. So when the clock struck midnight, I was ready to put 2018 behind me and move on.
Whether you are starting over, fine tuning what you've already got, or staying with the status quo, a new year is a chance for all of us to do some reflecting and re-prioritizing. This month on the blog, I'll be doing a lot of that with posts that focus on setting you up for a successful year. We'll also focus on positive changes in the new year including exercise, clean eating, and focusing on yourself and what you love to do and want to do more of in 2019.
I love how a new year brings a clean slate and a fresh start. I've been thinking a lot about the direction of Pieces of a Mom, and part of that involves taking a look at my most popular content in the history of the blog. I'll give you a little hint. Fashion, fitness, and food are big hits around here, and you can expect to be seeing more of that in the coming months. I'll be sharing my word of the year, my reading challenge for 2019, and how I stick to my exercise goals within the next week.
In the meantime, enjoy these popular stories from December that you may have missed in all the chaos of the holiday season.