Today marks the first day of our second month of coronavirus quarantine. We've had 4 full weeks of working from home, schooling from home, working out from home, and learning to love being home. Who thought we'd say that life is stranger than fiction? Honestly though, this is the stuff a good fictional novel is made of.
Each week is starting to feel weirder than the one before, but oddly normal as well. We've fallen into a sort of routine, but this week the girls have spring break, and I'm a bit worried about boredom setting in without school work and any outside activities to do. I'm still trying to find an indoor workout routine that I love. I miss my gym and the routine I had there, and finding something that clicks here at home has been a struggle. Last week, I started running outside instead of walking. It was an adjustment and quite a struggle initially as I only run on treadmills in ideal indoor temperatures. But I still need an alternative for colder or rainy days.
Anyway, here's what I've been enjoying: