I'm not one for spontaneity. I like my plans and my structure, and any sort of deviation from them can set me into a slight panic. So, on Saturday evening at 8:45 pm just as I was finishing up Sunday's to-do list, the Hubs informs us that we are going to Citi Field for a Mets game the following day.
Ok, Ok, don't panic, I told myself.
Despite the last minute notice, I was actually excited. We had never been to Citi Field as a family. It's been one of those things that always makes it to our summer bucket list, but always gets pushed to the bottom of the list in favor of some other activity or event.
On Sunday morning we boarded a train to Manhattan and we were on our way.
Having a little fun while passing the time on the train.
Once we got to Penn Station, a Starbucks stop was in order!
Next stop: Citi Field!
At the end of the day, I was glad that I pushed my Sunday to-do list to the side and focused on a fun day with the family. And...the Mets won! It was a winning day all around.
Ok, Ok, don't panic, I told myself.
Despite the last minute notice, I was actually excited. We had never been to Citi Field as a family. It's been one of those things that always makes it to our summer bucket list, but always gets pushed to the bottom of the list in favor of some other activity or event.
On Sunday morning we boarded a train to Manhattan and we were on our way.
Having a little fun while passing the time on the train.
Once we got to Penn Station, a Starbucks stop was in order!
Next stop: Citi Field!
{Blue skies and baseball}
{Not sure if she was happier about Shake Shack or the actual baseball game}
At the end of the day, I was glad that I pushed my Sunday to-do list to the side and focused on a fun day with the family. And...the Mets won! It was a winning day all around.