I'm Back! {Sort of, Kind of}

Monday, January 27, 2025
Celebrating my birthday back in December

Wow! So, has it been a minute or is it just me?

Yeah, it's been a minute. It's been a year and a half actually. But who's keeping track?

Oh, you are? Well, you're in for a treat, in that case.

So, here we are. It's January 27, 2025. 2025? The last blog post I wrote was on May 30, 2023.

Let's start with the backstory. In May 2023, my daughters were 17 and 21. When I started this little blog in 2008, my daughters were 2 and 6 years old. Crazy, right? Mom blogs were just starting to take off in 2008, and I was considered one of the early adopters. Blogging was like the wild, wild West back then. Anything went and no one cared about blog design and aesthetics. We wrote what we lived, and we wrote from the heart with reckless abandon, not caring about SEO, analytics, or income.

The years ticked by and along came blog designers with all the bells, whistles, and color schemes. Affiliate marketing made its way onto our blogs, and for the first time, we had an opportunity to make money from something other than ads and sponsored content. We could now share what we were wearing, using, and loving, and earn a buck. And we could share it in a pretty space with branded colors and designs.

Through the years, my girls grew up and were less interested in being fodder for my blog. They no longer wanted to be the subjects of my blog posts. Their friends and the moms of their friends were blog readers. Why would they possibly want their trials and tribulations shared among my readers? I couldn't argue with that logic, and so I didn't. As a result, my blog evolved, and so did I. I was no longer a mom to little girls, or even tweens, for that matter.

So, I started sharing more of myself. I shared the things I loved doing from reading to fitness to eating to weekend happenings. And then I stopped. It just didn't seem fun anymore. I had lost my inspiration to write engaging content. I lost my inspiration to share bits and pieces of myself. In one sense the blogging market had become saturated and in another, it had become a graveyard of sorts as content consumers flocked to other platforms.

Over the past year and a half, I have thoroughly missed writing. It's the only way I accurately and effectively express myself. I truly value any kind of communication, but writing has always been the best way for me to get my feelings across. About a year ago, I started journaling using an app on my phone. It's certainly not the same as a handwritten journal, but journaling is more about expressing what you are feeling in a safe space than the method by which you do it. I've found it to be therapeutic, but my blog was always a sort of journal for me as well.

I can't promise that I will write here every day, as I once did. But I hope to start sharing more frequently here and that my content will make a connection to you and resonate in some way.

And just in case the math isn't mathing, my daughters are now 18 (almost 19) and 22. My youngest is a freshman in college, and my oldest is about to embark on a real estate career. They are full-fledged adults now.

I hardly feel old enough to have daughters who are young adults, but that's a blog post for another day.


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