Help Kids Graduate with Taco Bell and Mark Wahlberg

Friday, June 1, 2012

What did you worry about in high school? Was it your hair? What boys you liked... and liked you back? Was it your grades, or getting into a good college?

What if you had to worry about where you were going to sleep that night? Or if there would be food on the dinner table for your family?

Not every kid gets to focus on school like we did. In fact, three out of 10 kids in America never graduate high school.

Mona Dixon could have been one of those three kids. As 10-year-0ld living on the street, Mona could barely think about school because she was constantly worrying about where she would sleep, if her family would be safe, and where she would get her next meal.

Mona found the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, and through the Taco Bell Graduate to Go program, she got the resources and help she needed to succeed.

Today, Mona helps other kids overcome their challenges.

Graduate to Go Helps Kids Stay in School and Succeed

The Taco Bell Foundation for Teens serves more than 100,000 teens and awards more than 350 grants and scholarships each year.

Through their Graduate to Go initiative, the Foundation support includes the Graduate to Go Multi-Media Studios, Graduate to Go Business Camp, and National Keystone leadership program at 1,600 Boys & Girls Clubs nationwide.

Actor/Producer Mark Wahlberg, the Graduate to Go ambassador for the third consecutive year, is helping the project, and will appear in a national TV with Mona Dixon, who was helped by the Graduate to Go program through her involvement with the Club.

Wahlberg also continues to support teens through his Mark Wahlberg Youth Foundation.
How You Can Help Kids Graduate to Go

Girls' Lunch Out is honored to work with the Taco Bell Foundation for Teens and the Mark Wahlberg Youth Foundation to help kids graduate high school.

Please join us and help raise money and awareness for this amazing cause!

When: Tuesday, June 5th at 9pm EST

Hosts: Follow @girlslunchout

Hashtag: #GraduateToGo

Prizes: We will be showering Twitter party attendees with gift cards!

Help spread the word and Tweet this message out:

Support @TacoBell and @mark_wahlberg to help kids #GraduateToGo on 6/5 at 9pmET with @girlslunchout

Other ways you can get involved:

"Like" the custom-designed graduation caps created by Boys & Girls Club teens that will be posted on the Taco Bell Facebook page.

Share Mark Wahlberg's new TV commercial, featuring inspiring teen, Mona Dixon.
For every tweet or retweet with the #GraduateToGo hashtag, Taco Bell will donate $5 to the cause.

This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.  Winners will be chosen randomly from those that have RSVP'd and participate during the party.

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