In case you missed my post last week, I'm linking up with Life Rearranged's InstaFriday. InstaFriday is a weekly blog hop where you round up your favorite Instagram photos that you've posted over the course of the past week.
Not only do I love sharing my pictures on Instagram, but I equally love looking at everyone's else pictures. It's life through photos, and what could be better?
So, if you are on Instagram, stop by and follow me at sheilakhill. I'll be sure to follow back and probably stalk your photo stream. ;-)
Here are a few of my favorites from the week.
Last weekend, I took the girls and a classmate of Harper's to a local farm to see the baby animals. There were so many kids and lambs running around. Although it was difficult to snap a pic of them as they were so rambunctious, I did manage to get this shot of a pregnant goat. Look at the bulge in her side!
For Father's Day, we bought the Hubs a grill...and assembled it. Not always an easy feat. These days instructions are strictly graphics with little to no explanation. Give me a little something to work with! But anyway, we got it together. And the Hubs wasted no time firing it up.
We made pink lemonade cupcakes for the Father's Day festivites.
These little beauties were my lunch the next day. I love heirloom cherry tomatoes. I halved them and lightly sprinkled them with some celery salt and freshly ground pepper, and they were perfect.
On Monday, Emma graduated from 5th grade. After graduation, I took her to Claire's to pick out a few things. She chose this scarf. What a little fashionista!
The following day was the last day of school. It was a day deserving of the ice cream truck!
And yesterday, I moved my office to our swim club for the day. Was I productive? I'll never tell.
Now that you've seen my pics, go check out more on Life Rerranged!
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