Friday Follow - A Celebration of Followers

Friday, April 2, 2010
What's more exciting than the thrill of a new follower? Well, finding a new blog to follow, of course! This week, I'm joining in on the Friday Follow fun hosted by One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families and Midday Escapades!

Friday Follow

If you're here from Friday Follow, welcome. Browse around and be sure to read my About info in the left sidebar. Of course, you'll learn much more about me by taking a peek around. Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you regularly!!

Happy Friday Following!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for following me Sheila! I LOVE your blog header!! soo cute. Can't wait to read up on your blog!

Unknown said...

Thanks for following! I am following you back! Cant wait to get to know you! Have a good weekend.

Truth Be Told Blog said...

Thanks for following I'm following you back! Thanks also about the comment!

Valorie at

Love your blog!

Mass Hole Mommy said...

Hi, stopping by from the Friday follow!

Simply Mel said...

Happy Friday Follow!

Look forward to reading your blog. :)

Amy said...

Hi there, I'm your newest follower! LOVE your blog, it's very refreshing! Can't wait to read more :)

Amy @

TamsJewelry said...

Beautiful Blog!Happy Friday Follow!!!

Truthful Mommy said...

Very Cute blog! Following back from Friday Follow!

Amy said...

Newest follower from FF! Your blog is quite lovely, and I am so inspired by your before and after Tackle it Tuesdays pics! We've got a room in the house like that, but it's *my* playroom... scrapbooking, sewing, catchall... that needs to be tackled!

Have a wonderful Easter weekend-

Jeni said...

Following back from FF! Yes the pet shops have taken over my home as well. Piper wanted a pet shop pillow case and i wasn't about to pay 10.00 for it so I bought a yard of teh fabric for 3.99. I made that dress out of what was left. On average a sundress costs me 2.00-4.00 each after supplies. My girls wear them for play all summer. I am making a tutorial today if you are interested

wacki04@TheKing'sCourt IV said...

New follower from Friday Follow, hope you can return the favor!

Krajcimama said...

Following from Friday Follow!

I love finding new blogs to read, too! I feel like commenting on blogs is as close to adult interaction as I get until DH comes home some days!

Happy Friday! Have a great weekend!

Susan Cook said...

Following from Friday Follow. Your daughter & kitty look so cute in your WW post :)

Robyn Campbell said...

I am Friday following. Your girls are beautiful! =)

Love the bookshelves. Gives me an idea.

Love to have you visit.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the Friday Follow...I'm following back! Hope you have a great weekend!

veterankindergartenteacher said...

I am here from FF and am now following you. I hope you follow me back. Happy Easter.

Ron Cooper said...

Happy Easter!

I’m your latest Friday Follower! I would appreciate a follow-back on Google Friends Connect and/or Networked Blogs.


Housewife Eclectic said...

Thanks for the follow! I am following you back now. What beautiful pictures you take!

joeandbridge said...

Hi There! Just poppin in from Friday Follow! Hope you had a great Easter! I'm a followin' ya now!

Bridgette Groschen
The Groschen Goblins