There were several fantastic topics covered by equally fantastic speakers.
I learned everything I've always wanted to know about building and maintaining readership from Jill Smokler, a.k.a., Scary Mommy. This woman's readership will knock your socks off!
All things design were discussed by Cynthia Wheeler, a.k.a., Nap Warden. One of the many things I loved about Cynthia was that, during her presentation, she didn't focus solely on the design of her own (and quite lovely) blog. She highlighted at least 10 of her favorite blog designs. Love that she did that!
Next up was Laura Franklin, best known as Lolli from Better in Bulk. Laura has one of the best photography blogs. Hands Down. Her photos are amazing. Laura offered up some of her best photography tips, and I was grateful for them. As someone who has had absolutely no formal photography training, I was lapping up what Laura was dishing out. Plus, she's self-taught!
Here I am listening intently
Photo credit: SITS
What's a blogging conference in Philly without Cecily Kellogg? Cecily offered quality information on finding your voice and sticking to it. Cecily is a genuinely uninhibited blogger. She's authentic and remains true to herself and her story. I thoroughly appreciated Cecily's presentation as this is a topic with which I struggle. On days when I want to bitch and moan, I tend to second guess myself and my audience. Cecily's success is proof that staying true to yourself will bring you blog success.
I sat in on a presentation about PR. Since I've done several reviews and giveaways and I've been contacted more and more frequently to do this type of work, I wanted to get the low down. Julie Pron, Kelly Whalen, and Shannon Ott presented a plethora of information relating to creating a blog package for PR purposes, working with PR personnel, and monetizing your blog. As I move my blog forward in the world of PR, this information will be extremely helpful.
The Queen of SEO, Tara Gerner-Ziegmont helped us to learn all we need to know about search engine optimization. Tara provided us with 20 tips for improving the SEO of any blog. Some tips can be implemented immediately and others will require a bit of work on the author's part. But all tips are invaluable. I can't wait to get moving on implementing those.
Lastly, and certainly not least, Ted Rubin of OpenSky spoke about the benefits of bloggers engaging in a relationship with OpenSky. Ted presented quite a convincing argument for creating a relationship with OpenSky. Of course, it didn't hurt that Ted was incredibly extroverted and an all-around fun guy! For more information about OpenSky, visit their Web site at
All of this bloggy goodness would not have been possible without the absolutely lovely and talented Tiffany Romero, the founder of SITS Bloggy Bootcamp. Tiffany excels at creating a warm and engaging environment for bloggers at all levels. The atmosphere is relaxed, and egos are checked at the door. If you think you're a better blogger than any other attendee, you may as well stay home for the day.
For more information on Bloggy Bootcamp including locations, visit their Web site,
Be sure to check back tomorrow when I recap the networking aspect of Bloggy Bootcamp. You won't want to miss it!
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