Menu Plan Monday: 5.27.2013

Monday, May 27, 2013
This week looks like a promising week for grilling, so I am building the menu around the grill.

MONDAY: Turkey burgers with pasta salad and tomato & avocado salad.

TUESDAY: Thai chicken lettuce wraps (I'll use a rotisserie chicken)

WEDNESDAY: Pasta caprese

THURSDAY: Marinated, grilled chicken breasts with grilled zucchini and roasted potatoes.

FRIDAY: The Hubs is meeting a friend for dinner, so the girls and I will go out.

SATURDAY: Hubs is in charge...something on the grill.

What's on your plate this week? For more meal-time inspiration, see my meal planning posts, and stop by Organizing Junkie's Meal Plan Monday to see what others are munching on.

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