Menu Plan Monday :: 12.15.2014

Monday, December 15, 2014
It's hard to believe that it's December 15th already. The month is flying by. This week is the last "normal" week before winter break, Christmas, and all the other good stuff that follows. This is likely to be my last meal planning post for the year. I hope you've gotten some inspiration from these posts. If nothing else, they have certainly helped to keep me sane and organized during the week.

Here's what we'll be eating this week.

Monday - Slow cooker minestrone soup (never made it last week).

Tuesday - Meatball parmagiana sandwiches

Wednesday - Vegetarian stuffed peppers

Thursday - Chicken stir fry with rice

Friday - Dinner out

Saturday - Homemade pizza

Sunday - Green chile chili

What's on your plate this week? For more meal time inspiration, visit I'm An Organizing Junkie's Meal Plan Monday linkup.

To view all of my menu planning posts, click here. Visit my What's For DinnerPasta, and Soups On! Pinterest boards for even more ideas.

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