Menu Plan Monday :: 1.25.2016

Monday, January 25, 2016
We are kicking off this week with our very first snow day of the school year. We were blasted with snow over the weekend, and the clean up efforts are monumental. The kids are thrilled. Honestly, is there anything better than a snow day? Thinking you have to wake up and go to school only to find out that you don't...yeah, the best.

Monday - Chicken and dumpling soup

TuesdayLime chicken tacos

Wednesday - Ravioli with brow butter and sage

Thursday - Chicken saltimbocca

Friday - Dinner out

Saturday - Tex Mex stuffed peppers

Sunday - Chicken piccata with rice

What's on your plate this week? For more meal time inspiration, visit I'm An Organizing Junkie's Meal Plan Monday linkup.

To view all of my menu planning posts, click here. Visit my What's For DinnerPasta, and Soups On! Pinterest boards for even more ideas.

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