Weekend Dispatch

Friday, April 7, 2017

This to-do list is taken directly from my own personal calendar. It includes what I plan to do, eat, read, and watch this weekend and some recommendation for things I've recently done. If you have something of your own to add, I'd love to hear about it in the comments below!

Laurita Winery is hosting its Girlfriends Getaway Weekend on April 8th and 9th. Grab your girlfriends and pile in the car for this FREE event that features food, fun, and...you guessed it, wine! Festivities kick off each day at 12 pm. You can get more info here.

We've been to Jenkinson's Aquarium more times than I can count, but I have often wondered what goes on behind the scenes. On Sunday, April 9th you can get a top to bottom tour of the aquarium with a peek into the inner workings and the day-to-day nitty gritty that goes into the care of the creatures. From 9:30-11. Cost is $10 per child, $15 for adults, and pre-registration is requested. 

After seeing Kate Walsh on Good Morning America and seeing friends' status updates on Facebook about 13 Reasons Why, I've decided to dive right in this weekend. The trailer looks so riveting, and I cannot wait to get to the bottom of the drama.

Also, a few weeks ago in a previous Weekend Dispatch I mentioned that I was watching Big Little Lies. Last Sunday was the series finale, and Oh. Em. Gee. Although I had downloaded the book and started it, I never finished reading it. I had no idea how it ends. HBO did such a fabulous job on this mini-series especially the final episode. It was full of suspense up until the very last moment and twists and turns that I never saw coming. It's a must-see!

Tomorrow is Emma's first lacrosse game. Two previous games have been cancelled due to weather, and she's been disappointed at not having a chance to play a game. Tomorrow is the day! We'll be at the school in the morning to watch her play followed by lunch. 

Who doesn't love their fair share of cookie dough? I think we can admit that it's often better than the baked cookies. I found a healthy, edible recipe for cookie dough that's almost too good to be true. Yes, you read that right, and I'm making it this weekend.
Photo via

When I am not in the mood for music, I've been turning to podcasts to keep me entertained. Now that I've finished Missing Richard Simmons, I've moved on to S-Town. I just finished the first episode and am eager to keep going. If you liked Serial, you will love S-Town.

So, tell me. What do you have planned this weekend?

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