Best Online Reads

Thursday, February 12, 2015
All the links I am loving this week:

1. Simple ways to stress less and enjoy your life more via Stylist.

2. We spend 10 full months of our lives talking about the weather via Mix 106.5.

3. Twenty-five ways apple cider vinegar will change your life via Mamavation.

4. Email habits of highly successful people via Marie Claire.

5. A fun, confetti-decorated present via You Are My Fave.

6. Sink your teeth into a decadent chocolate chip pie via Girl Gone Mom.

7. Small changes that will affect your health in big ways via Elite Daily.

8. Thirty-one signs you're officially a grown up via Business Insider.

9. The unexpected home hazards that send too many kids to the ER via Huff Post Parents.

10. A delicious looking bagel with healthy toppings via Don't Feed After Midnight.

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