On Saturday, I attended an event in NYC sponsored by 77kids. It was hosted by fellow Philly Social Media Moms, Whitney from Mommies With Style and Colleen from Classy Mommy, both of whom I absolutely adore. I mean, what is not to like? I had an opportunity to chat with the marketing lovelies from 77kids and check out some of the truly fun and fabulous clothes in the fall line.
The display in the booth was awesome! Little mannequins dressed in the latest and greatest styles for boys and girls.
Will you check out the fake fur-lined leather jacket for girls? Oh. My. God. I want one!! For myself!! The theme for fall is punk rock. Yes, the fashion of the 80's is making a comeback. Look for neon to be big, too.
There was an array of fabulous sponsors.
Motts unveiled several new applesauce products. Be on the lookout for them at your local supermarket. They are perfect to include in lunches and snacks as the kiddos head back to school.
There was wine! Wine! Provided by Cameron Hughes. If you are not familiar with Cameron Hughes wines, check out the Web site for their full story. The concept is great! So yummy, and it definitely hit the spot.
Of course, you can't attend a media event without some sort of group picture. A bunch of the Philly bloggers.
Many thanks to Jessica and Tina for the great conversation over lunch and on the train ride home. As I always say, blogging friends are real friends, and both Jessica and Tina are proof of that!
Disclosure: I received a swag bag filled with products and coupons from the various sponsors. I was not required, encouraged, or compensated to write this post. All opinions expressed herein are solely mine.
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