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During this unprecedented time of COVID-19, we are all being pulled in many directions while trying to balance work, family, and self while being at home. Busy is not the word to describe the
sensation of sheer
mental overload that many of us are experiencing. The only way to make things work is by
learning some helpful tips and tricks that can turn you into a time
management ninja. You'll be amazed by what you can achieve in a few
minutes with some practice. Here are a few of the tips I've learned over the past several months that have helped me maintain balance and keep me from feeling completely overwhelmed.
Learn To Say No
We are socially conditioned not to say no and to seek approval from
others. It's OK to say no. It's necessary to say no. We can't do everything for everyone all the time. Saying no nicely and diplomatically by
having a few responses prepared that you can use is a skill that will change your
life. Your time is your most precious resource, so don't feel bad for protecting and prioritizing it. You are teaching your kids and others in your life valuable lessons about boundaries
in the process.
Forget The Multitasking Myth
We've also been raised to believe that productive people multi-task, but
actually you get much better results when you focus on a single task at a
time. Not only can you produce higher quality work, but you can also have
the mental satisfaction of knowing something is complete and not nagging at
the edges of your attention all the time.
Be Present
Practicing mindfulness
is a huge asset to busy parents, because it trains you to focus on
the moment and not always be mentally distracted. Being present with your
kids and giving them your full attention when they aren't at daycare or in school is crucial for their
emotional development. It also helps you to switch off a little and not to
feel overwhelmed all the time. If you know you give focus to each thing in
turn, life becomes a lot simpler.
Share The Responsibility
Are you taking on too much? We kid ourselves that overloading our to do
list shows that we care or that it's 'easier' to do things ourselves, but
that just leads to burnout. I am very guilty of this. I do it because I want everything done that way I want it done. Often it's an excuse to try and control a
situation, because uncertainty makes us nervous. I am learning to accept that I can't
control everything and let other people take on some responsibility to ease my burden.
Make Time For You
Usually we become the last thing on our own lists, and that has to stop.
Taking time for self care is not selfish - it's actually very necessary to look after yourself in
order to be able to help others. But how do you honor this when your task
list is growing by the minute? The answer lies in scheduling time for you
like you would any other commitments. Even if it's just half an hour to
read a book, take a long bath, or go for a run, giving yourself the mental space to
relax and be you is vital.
There's no doubt that we perform a juggling act each and every day.
And while some days it all works perfectly, on other days it's natural to
feel that it's all coming apart. Learning to be more forgiving and
accepting of yourself and recognizing the enormity of your roles as a parent and as someone with a career is hugely important. You got this, mama!
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