Menu Plan Monday :: 6.9.2014

Monday, June 9, 2014
I'm bringing our meals back inside this week as the weather is predicted to be iffy. Showers are likely every day this week, and who knows when they'll happen. So, I've taken grilling off the table for this week.

Monday - Baked chicken cutlets with a side of pasta marinara.

Tuesday - Ravioli with brown butter sage sauce

Wednesday - Blue cheese-shallot chicken with a side of pasta or roasted potatoes

Thursday - Penne pasta with sauteed asparagus and tomatoes (my own recipe but similar one here)

Friday - Diabetes picnic sponsored by Meridian Health

Saturday - Hubs is one dinner duty as the girls and I will be in Philadelphia during the day.

Sunday - Father's Day!

What's on your plate this week? For meal inspiration, see my Meal Planning posts and head over to I'm an Organizing Junkie's Meal Plan Monday to see what others are munching on.

charmingcharlie New Arrivals

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