Friday's Fresh Picks: This Week's Favorites

Friday, April 24, 2015
This week was one of those weeks where everything seemed to change right in front of my eyes. All of a sudden spring had finally sprung here in New Jersey. Trees were blooming, flowers were popping up all over the place, and grass magically turned from brown to a vibrant green. In addition to that, both of my daughters seemed to have grown 5 inches in 5 days.

Here's to a gorgeous spring weekend in the northeast.

{Permanent fixtures on my desk: fresh flowers, nail polish, and a tape dispenser}

{It won't be long before she's taller than I am}

{Blooming trees against a spring sky}

{Excited to have received my first Rocksbox this week}

{I'll be setting aside some time this weekend to start reading The Fringe Hours}

Friday Fresh Picks are hand-picked favorite items, reviews and highlights from the amazing women you see above.

Visit their websites to learn about other amazing picks from this week!

To view all of my Friday Fresh Picks posts, click here.

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