Menu Plan Monday :: 3.23.2015

Monday, March 23, 2015
I wasn't going to do a meal plan this week. I'm sort of feeling like I need a break for a week, a week of unstructured meals. But I do like the structure that meal planning brings, and I like not having to make last-minute decisions or trips to the grocery store.

Bang bang shrimp pasta
Here's what's on the menu this week:

Monday - Take out from a local Italian market (pasta, salad, bread, etc.)

Tuesday - Taco cups

Wednesday - Bang bang shrimp pasta

Thursday - Creamy tomato soup with grilled cheese croutons

Friday - Rigatoni with creamy tomato sauce

Saturday - Chicken pot pie soup

Sunday - Hubs is on dinner duty

What's on your plate this week? For more meal time inspiration, visit I'm An Organizing Junkie's Meal Plan Monday linkup.

To view all of my menu planning posts, click here. Visit my What's For DinnerPasta, and Soups On! Pinterest boards for even more ideas.

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