Menu Plan Monday :: 3.9.2015

Monday, March 9, 2015
Last week's meal plan didn't quite pan out as I had hoped. We had 2 snow days, the Hubs was away on a business trip, and the kids didn't want to eat what I had planned. So, I had to go to plan B.

This week's weather looks very cooperative. Now, if I could just get my kids to play along as well.

Whether they are in on this meal plan or out, this is what we'll be eating for dinner this week:

Wednesday - Cheeseburger soup with a side salad

Thursday - Burrito bowls

Sunday - We will be in North Jersey for a St. Patrick's Day parade.

What's on your plate this week? For more meal time inspiration, visit I'm An Organizing Junkie's Meal Plan Monday linkup.

To view all of my menu planning posts, click here. Visit my What's For DinnerPasta, and Soups On! Pinterest boards for even more ideas.

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