If you want to get the same effect as a home stager, follow these 4 tips for staging your home for a quick sale. Get Rid of Clutter
Potential buyers want to see a home that is neat and tidy. It should be as minimal as possible, so potential buyers can imagine their personal belongings in it. Even if you're not making any changes to the walls or other decor, it's time to put the clutter away. Don't have rows of knick-knacks above your fireplace or tchotchkes throughout the house. Put away the kids' toys and definitely don't have piles of stuff strewn around. It can still look like a family lives there, but it shouldn't look like a war zone.
Go Neutral
If you're prepared to redecorate before moving out, try to make everything neutral. Many buyers have trouble looking past some of the cosmetics of a property. Although they know logically that they can repaint a room, it can still be off-putting to be confronted with bright pink walls. Plus, they may not be too excited about having to paint right away or putting up with something they hate until they're able to. Don't just focus on the walls, either. If you have worn or dirty carpets, it's time to replace them or remove them. However, it's important to think about how these changes will increase the value of your property or improve the speed of its sale.
Focus on Fragrance
Did you know that your sense of smell has a strong connection to your memory? Familiar smells can bring back experiences more vividly than many other things. That's great if it's a good smell with a positive memory, but not so fun if it's not! Potential buyers want to be greeted with a pleasurable scent upon entering your home. Look for a home fragrance you love that will stick with potential buyers. It shouldn't be anything strong or overpowering. A fresh, light scent will do the trick. And you could always opt to bake some bread before anyone comes to view the property!
Remove Personal Touches
Too many personal effects makes it difficult for potential buyers to envision the property as their own. Make it easy for them to imagine themselves living in your home by removing any personal items. Take down the photos of your family and your travel momentos and replace them with neutral pictures. It will help to make your home look a little newer and less lived in.
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