Friday's Fresh Picks: This Week's Favorites

Friday, June 12, 2015
This week I made every attempt to unplug at a reasonable time each evening. I was grateful that I did. I enjoyed a walk on the beach, some evening wine, and was able to catch up on some of my favorite TV shows. This weekend we are headed out of town, and I'm looking forward to unplugging again.

Whatever your plans this weekend, I hope you have a great one! xx

Here are a few of the things that made this week a relaxing one.
{Early mornings at the bus stop will soon be a distant memory}

{A tranquil evening walk on the beach to end the day}

{The cutest package ever arrived this week from the folks at Pictli}

{A never ending staircase}

{This light, crisp rosé has become my go-to drink for summer}

{A radio interview I did last month for Meridian Health's Paint The Town Pink campaign}

Friday Fresh Picks are hand-picked favorite items, reviews and highlights from the amazing women you see above.

Visit their websites to learn about other amazing picks from this week!

To view all of my Friday Fresh Picks posts, click here.

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