Menu Plan Monday :: 6.29.2015

Monday, June 29, 2015
It's hard to believe that the 4th of July is less than a week away. Summer finally feels like it's in full gear, and I'm looking forward to the weeks ahead. This week is the last week before summer camps, sports, and activities start, and we'll be enjoying flexible dinner times this week. Next week, it'll be a different story.
Here's what's on the menu this week:

Monday - Chicken stir-fry with peanut sauce

Tuesday - Grilled black bean and rice stuffed peppers

Wednesday - Greek lettuce wraps

Thursday - Take out

Friday - Quick roasted cherry tomato sauce with spaghetti 

Saturday - We'll be attending barbecue at my niece's house

Sunday - Pulled chicken sandwiches

What's on your plate this week? For more meal time inspiration, visit I'm An Organizing Junkie's Meal Plan Monday linkup.

To view all of my menu planning posts, click here. Visit my What's For DinnerPasta, and Soups On! Pinterest boards for even more ideas.

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