I have a few essentials for the gym...the things that must make into my gym bag.
1. A sports bra
A regular bra will not cut it at the gym. Look for a sports bra that is functional and comfortable. There is no need to spend a fortune on a sports bra. This week at Target, you can find them for $9-$14, available in several styles and many colors.
2. A good pair of sneakers
Here is where you'll want to splurge. Right now, Zappos has many brands and styles on sales. You can find a pair of sneakers that normally retails for $120 for $80. A good pair of sneakers will go a long way to achieving optimal results from your workout.
3. Facial cleansing wipes
A quick post-workout facial cleansing is a must. I love the Say Yes to Blueberries wipes. They work wonders, and they smell delicious. $8 for a 30 count package. Available at Target and WalMart.
4. Workout pants
Leave the baggy sweatpants at home. Just as in the business world, dressing for success at the gym is crucial. If you want to get fit, dress the part. Think "workout chic". I'm not saying get all gussied up, but at least look somewhat presentable. That being said, my yoga classes are more like fashion shows than fitness classes. And please, wear the size you currently are not the size you want to be.
I like these for yoga. From Victoria's Secret $30.
I like these for running. From lululemon athletica $60.
And I like these for general workouts. From athleta $69.
You can find any of the above types of pants at mass retailers such as Target and WalMart for a fraction of the cost. I also love the active wear selection at Marshalls and TJ Maxx.
5. Protein bars
There are always a few at the bottom of my gym bag. If I plan a vigorous workout, I'll eat a protein bar about 40 minutes prior to my workout. If the workout isn't going to be too physically demanding, I save the protein bar for afterwards.
My favorite protein bars are Balance Bars. Balance Bar recently introduced a new bar, the nimble bar. The nimble bar is specially formulated for women. It contains the nutrients women want most (Protein, Fiber, Calcium, Iron, Vitamins D and B6) along with rich anti-oxidants C&E, Beta-Carotene and Lutein for healthy skin – nimble helps you look and feel your best all for 120 calories. Plus, it is the first protein bar to be made with Truvia, an all-natural artificial sweetener. Although all the flavors are good, I love the peanut butter.
OK, so no more excuses to not hit the gym. Grab your bags. Stock them with the above items, and get moving!
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