This year, I knew I'd have some difficulty accomplishing all the tasks that I usually achieve, especially baking. So, when I was invited to participate in a cookie exchange, I didn't think twice. I was in!
If you aren't familiar with the concept, a cookie exchange is a group of people getting together to exchange different types of cookies that each participant has baked. You bake one (or whatever number you agree upon) type of cookie, and you get dozen of cookies from the remaining participants.
I baked snickerdoodles, about 9 dozen. There were 7 participants in the exchange, which means I received at least 6 other varieties of cookies. One of our participants was overzealous and made several kinds. Score!
We started off with some wine, snacks and easy conversation. We then made our way to the cookie table to exchange and taste test.
I walked away with at least 8 dozen cookies. There's no way I would've been able to make that many different kinds on my own.
To add more fun to the exchange, each of us brought a $5 gift for a grab bag. Stealing was allowed! It was a good time.
Have you ever participated in a cookie exchange?
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